"All Mod Cons"

Found In The Guardian Weekend Magazine  - Saturday 7 July 2001

guard1s.jpg (117787 bytes)guard2s.jpg (92545 bytes)guard3s.jpg (71694 bytes)guard4s.jpg (160440 bytes)
Click on any of the above pictures for a larger version of the image
gspec1.jpg (102502 bytes)gspec2.jpg (92221 bytes)gspec3.jpg (139975 bytes)gspec4.jpg (150456 bytes)

The above images are the price and availability details for the respective pictures


guardhshirt.jpg (175714 bytes)guardslip.jpg (106764 bytes)guardtshirt.jpg (33477 bytes)
The above are a few individual featured clothes. Again, click on the pictures for a larger version, along with details.

The Guardian Online